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#noVANber: put your name to the campaign

November 21, 2018

At NICEIC Insurance we know this all too well – in fact, data from our insurer partner, Covéa Insurance, suggests the problem is getting worse, not better.

For instance, as thieves are now targeting higher value tools, the average cost of insurance claims related to stolen tools is on the rise. It now stands at £2,518.17, which represents a 15% increase in average claim costs since 2016.

Of course, if the worse happens and you have tools insurance cover in place, then that financial cost may not come straight out of your pocket, but there will be disruption and lost earnings all the same. Some tools are simply hard to replace and that may mean cancelled jobs in the meantime.

That’s why we are supporting Peter Booth’s #noVANber campaign and petition. Peter is spearheading a push for tougher action against the perpetrators of van crime, which is, of course, so often linked to tools theft.

Peter’s target is to force the government into a response by reaching 100,000 signatures this month.  You can find more information via Peter’s twitter account – @pbplumber – and sign the petition by visiting

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